Why Conduct Cost and Schedule Risk Analysis?
With David T. Hulett, PhD FAACE
Author of Integrated Cost-Schedule Risk Analysis
Download the Cost-Schedule Risk Analysis E-book
This guide discusses how conducting in-depth analysis can mitigate cost and schedule overruns, with demonstrations of the benefits in practice.
Download the guide to answer the following questions:
- What is Cost and Schedule Risk Analysis?
- Why is Cost and Schedule Risk Analysis Needed?
- Why do so Many Projects Overrun Their Cost Estimates?
- How are Project Uncertainty and Risk Defined?
- How Does It Work?
The guide then concludes with a summary and breakdown of the benefits with practical examples.
It was created in collaboration with integrated cost-schedule risk analysis expert Dr. David Hulett, who has emerged as a leader in its methods, concepts and training.
To download this e-book, simply fill in the form.