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Become a certified
Safran Risk Practitioner

Online training events | Investment: 795 GBP per attendee

These web courses have been designed for anyone who needs to perform quantitative cost and/or schedule risk analysis on their project, and how to confidently interpret - and challenge - the resulting outputs. 

These courses are delivered by the experts at the Ferryfield Group, and are separated into Fundamentals and Advanced. See course descriptions and requirements below.

Courses are hands-on training courses and require a copy of Safran Risk to be installed on attendee’s machines. Trial versions are acceptable if attendees do not own a licensed copy of the software.



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Safran Risk Fundamentals Practitioner

April to October: 12.00-16.00 UK Time / 13.00-17.00 CET / 14.00-18.00 CAT / 16.00-20.00 GST

November to March: 11.00-15.00 UK time / 14.00-18.00 CET / 15.00-19.00 CAT / 17.00-21.00 GST

Objective: Understanding the fundamentals of quantitative risk analysis (QRA) and how to apply these principles within Safran Risk

Requirements: Safran Risk license installed (trial version is accepted)


Course Content:

  • Introduction to quantitative risk analysis (QRA)
  • Working with Safran Risk’s file structure, database, and user interface
  • How to import, and assure, P6 files within Safran Risks
  • “Good” and “bad” models: understanding the role & value of the Schedule Warnings tab
  • Customising views using layouts
  • Building filters and how to apply them to a schedule.
  • Adding statistics to a schedule and customising Gantt charts
  • Navigating the Project Risk tab
  • Risk types within Safran – ‘Standard Risk” and “Estimating Uncertainty”
  • Modelling risk impacts independently vs dependently
  • Mapping uncertainties and risks to a schedule & exploring the Risk Mapping tab’s “real-time analyzer” capabilities
  • Series vs parallel risks
  • Building or importing a cost breakdown structure (CBS) using Safran’s Cost module.
  • How to model fixed vs variable costs, and the linking of costs to activities from a work breakdown structure (WBS)
  • Analyze tab settings: risk selector, simulation settings, focus activities/costs, and the report generator module.
  • Interpreting the Distribution Graph results: histograms, S-Curves, percentiles & other statistics, target values, and contingency curtains.
  • Tornado charts: understanding differences between Drivers and Sensitivity Analysis
  • Scenario analysis & using Distribution Comparison graphs
  • Brief overview of Global Risks, Risk Calendars, Correlation, Scatter Plots, JCLs, PCFs, and the Critical Path Map tabs.
  • Optional examination: Safran Risk Fundamentals Practitioner.

Safran Risk Advanced Practitioner

April to October: 12.00-16.00 UK Time / 13.00-17.00 CET / 14.00-18.00 CAT / 16.00-20.00 GST

November to March: 11.00-15.00 UK time / 14.00-18.00 CET / 15.00-19.00 CAT / 17.00-21.00 GST

Objective: building on the principles covered in the Fundamentals Course to provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of Safran Risk’s advanced modelling capabilities.

Requirements: Safran Risk license installed (trial version is accepted), prior attendance at the Safran Risk Fundamentals Practitioner Course or a good level of understanding and practical usage of the concepts covered in the course.


Course Content:

  • Risk types within Safran – ‘Calendar Risk”, “Non-Existence Risk” and “Probabilistic Branching”
  • Setting up Global Risk registers
  • Using probabilistic risk calendars in Safran: time series & templates
  • Incorporating probability of execution and success into actions modelling.
  • Advanced cost modelling using the Cost module, including using variables and formulas for more complex calculations.
  • Demystifying correlations & practical steps to test effect of correlation on project cost and time
  • Auditing models using the Data View analysis
  • Single pass vs multiple pass Sensitivity Analysis
  • Understanding cost/time trade-offs using scatter plots
  • What is a Joint Confidence Level (JCL) and why they are important?
  • Modelling spend/revenue/cost/risk impacts over time using Probabilistic Cash Flows (PCFs)
  • Interpreting and using the Critical Path Map tab, and adding criticality to the Schedule
  • Integrated comparison: resource loaded vs cost breakdown structure (CBS) costs
  • Analyzing data generated in the simulation, advanced reporting
  • Bias analysis
  • Optional examination: Safran Risk Advanced Practitioner.

Program Level: Beginner to Intermediate.

Investment: 795 GBP per attendee, per course.

Prerequisites: Familiarity with risk management techniques, and the fundamentals of Monte Carlo simulation. No advanced preparation required. Attendees will require their own computer, with a trial/full version of Safran Risk installed. Reliable internet connection and ideally two monitors (one to visualise the presentation and one for the models to follow along the exercise).

Certification: attendees on the course will be certified as a Safran Risk Fundamentals/Advanced Practitioner, subject to the passing of the multiple-choice examination at the close of the course with a >75% score.

Safran Risk - Fundamentals Practitioner - Certification

Delivered By Experts – The Ferryfield Group (Accredited Safran Training Partner)

The course is delivered by The Ferryfield Group, whose highly skilled consultants, bring many years of experience, expertise, and knowledge in the areas of quantitative project risk analysis (cost risk/schedule, risk/uncertainty, analysis/risk & mitigation registers), finance, statistics, and business forecasting. Ferryfield consultants have worked across many different industries and geographies, providing thought leadership and modelling expertise to some of the world's largest companies.


Doug Oldfield

Doug Oldfield

Founding Partner at The Ferryfield Group / Risk Management Professional

Doug has been a passionate advocate on the importance of performing quantitative risk analysis, since joining the risk profession in 2008.

He has delivered numerous workshops, training sessions, and conference presentations worldwide, for a wide range of industry sectors, including oil and gas, energy, construction, utilities, and mining.

Gustavo 'Guz' Vinueza

Picture GuzVinueza ferryfield-1

Risk Management Consultant

Guz is a distinguished risk management consultant with a rich background in data science, BI, and operational projects across diverse industries.  

At the heart of his career is his tenure as the Director of Analytics Solutions and Senior Consultant at Palisade, where he led a team of developers and external consultants, managing over 50 projects annually. He has also thousands of hours of consulting and training related to Quantitative Risk Analysis and risk management topics.  He also participated as a speaker at forums like PMI, AACE, INFORMS, and SPE.